Hair Care report

Hair care is an essential part of our beauty routines, but it's also vital for keeping our hair clean and healthy. With so many different hair types, there are various hair care products and routines to suit everybody.

We’ve taken a deep dive into everything related to hair care to reveal the trending hair brands, products, and influencers, the most commonly asked hair care questions, and the celebrities giving us the most hair inspo.

You can also check out our previous hair care report.

2024’s Most Popular Hair Care Products

Key Annual searches (APR 23 - MAR 24) Annual search increase Instagram posts TikTok posts

Annual Searches



April 2022 - March 2023

April 2023 - March 2024


Instagram posts

TikTok posts

Overall score /10

2024’s Most Popular Hair Care Brands

Key Annual searches (APR 23 - MAR 24) Annual search increase Instagram posts TikTok posts

Annual Searches



April 2022 - March 2023

April 2023 - March 2024


Instagram followers

Instagram engagement rate

Instagram posts

TikTok followers

TikTok engagement rate

TikTok posts

Overall score /10

2024’s Biggest Hair Care Influencers

Key Annual searches (APR 23 - MAR 24) Annual search increase Instagram followers TikTok followers YOUTUBE subscribers

Annual Searches



April 2022 - March 2023

April 2023 - March 2024


Instagram followers

Instagram engagement rate

TikTok followers

TikTok engagement rate

YouTube subscribers

YouTube engagement rate

Overall score /10

What Are The Most Common Hair Care Questions?



Annual searches


Hair care products

We created a list of popular hair care products based on those listed on Cosmetify and using articles such as:

Each was then given a normalised score out of 10 for each of the following before an average of these scores was taken:

  • Annual Google searches: The number of searches made between April 2023 and March 2024, sourced using Google Ads Keyword Planner.
  • Annual search difference: the year-on-year difference in searches between the period above and the previous 12 months.
  • Instagram posts: the number of Instagram posts using hashtags mentioning each product as of May 4th, 2024.
  • TikTok posts: the number of TikTok posts using hashtags mentioning each product as of May 7th, 2024.
Hair care brands

We created a list of popular hair care brands based on those listed on Cosmetify.

Each was then given a normalised score out of 10 for each of the following before an average of these scores was taken:

  • Annual Google searches: the number of searches made between April 2023 and March 2024, sourced using Google Ads Keyword Planner.
  • Annual search difference: The year-on-year difference in searches between the period above and the previous 12 months.
  • Instagram followers: the number of followers on the brand’s most followed Instagram account as of May 3rd, 2024.
  • Instagram engagement rate: the engagement rate on the brand’s most followed Instagram account, according to Phlanx, as of May 9th, 2024.
  • Instagram posts: the number of Instagram posts using hashtags mentioning each product as of May 3rd, 2024.
  • TikTok followers: the number of followers on the brand’s most followed TikTok account as of May 3rd, 2024.
  • TikTok engagement rate: the engagement rate on the brand’s most followed TikTok account, according to Phlanx, as of May 9th, 2024.
  • TikTok posts: the number of TikTok posts using hashtags mentioning each product as of May 3rd, 2024.
Hair care influencers

We created a list of popular hair care influencers based on articles such as the following:

Each was then given a normalised score out of 10 for each of the following before an average of these scores was taken:

  • Annual Google searches: the number of searches made between April 2023 and March 2024, sourced using Google Ads Keyword Planner.
  • Annual search difference: The year-on-year difference in searches between the period above and the previous 12 months.
  • Instagram followers: the number of followers on the brand’s most followed Instagram account as of May 3rd, 2024.
  • Instagram engagement rate: the engagement rate on the brand’s most followed Instagram account, according to Phlanx, as of May 9th, 2024.
  • TikTok followers: the number of followers on the brand’s most followed TikTok account as of May 3rd, 2024.
  • TikTok engagement rate: the engagement rate on the brand’s most followed TikTok account, according to Phlanx, as of May 9th, 2024.
  • YouTube subscribers: the number of subscribers on YouTube as of May 4th, 2023.
  • YouTube engagement rate: the engagement rate on YouTube, according to Phlanx, as of May 9th, 2024.
Most commonly asked hair care questions

Ahrefs and AnswerThePublic were used to find the most commonly searched questions that contain the word ‘hair’.

The number of searches for each between April 2023 and March 2024 was then found using and Google Ads Keyword Planner.

Celebrity hairstyles

A list of celebrities was created based on those who are being posted about on sites such as:

For each, the number of searches for their name followed by the word “hair” between April 2023 and March 2024 was then found using Google Ads Keyword Planner.